Insurance Law

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Insurance Law

 Insurance law governs contracts concluded between insurance companies (insurers) and natural or legal persons (insured). It ensures fairness by setting rules for policy terms, claims handling and dispute resolution. Understanding insurance law allows you to manage your insurance policy efficiently and protects your rights in case of misunderstandings with your insurer.

 What includes:
- Road Accident Compensation
- Work Accident Compensation
It is important to know that any commercial activity involves risks. Therefore, in the event of a mistake or an accident, it is important to know your rights in relation to your civil liability insurer.
Being an employee gives you rights in this area: you will be entitled to compensation if you have suffered an injury through the fault of your employer. Also, if you are self-employed, liability insurance protects you from risk within the limit of the insured amount.
Specialized insurance lawyers provide you with the necessary legal support to increase your chances of a positive result in the relationship with the liability insurer.
- Property Insurance Litigations
As a property owner, it is important to have the right insurance to protect your home or investment. However, in the event of an unexpected event, such as a fire, flood, storm or other calamity, it can be difficult to get the compensation you deserve from your insurance company. Lawyers specialized in this field will provide you with the necessary legal support.
- Green Card Assurance
- Malpraxis
Provisions of Art. 653 (1) letter b) of Law no. 95/2006 define malpractice as a professional error committed in the exercise of the medical or medical-pharmaceutical act, causing harm to the patient, involving the civil liability of medical personnel and of the supplier of medical, sanitary and pharmaceutical products and services.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Insurance Law

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