Choose the area where you are looking for legal advice and schedule an appointment

The platform brings together lawyers with expertise in a wide range of legal areas to cover all the legal needs you face now or in the future. We work closely with you to understand the situation and find the ideal solution to resolve the legal matter.

 Administrative Law is the branch of public law that includes all the legal rules governing social relations relating to the organisation and activity of public administration based on and in execution of the law.

 Lawyers with expertise in this field analyse more aspects of administrative law, including representing clients before the authorities as well as in the contentious procedure promoted against central and local state authorities.

 Furthermore, the legal services offered in this domain support clients who are executed unjustly by ANAF or units subordinated to it.

 Within this branch there are lawyers who have the necessary expertise to promote actions in order to cancel illegal executions or enforceable titles issued without compliance with the law.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Banking law encompasses the legal framework governing financial institutions, particularly banks, and their interactions with individuals and businesses. It safeguards the stability and integrity of the financial system while protecting the rights of both banks and their customers.

 Key Areas of Banking Law:
- Bank Credit Agreements: This area regulates the lending practices of banks, including terms, interest rates, collateral, and obligations of both parties.
- Bank Foreclosure: This deals with legal procedures by which banks can recover outstanding debts from borrowers, involving wage garnishments, liens, and auctions.
- Abusive Clauses in Bank Credit Agreements: This focuses on identifying and nullifying unfair clauses in contracts that significantly disadvantage consumers.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Civil law covers a wide range of legal issues, such as contract law, property rights, family law, succession law and legal obligations. These are just a few examples of a variety of branches that fall under the jurisdiction of civil law.

 Due to the fact that civil law generates a significant part of disputes at national level, it is essential to use legal advice, legal assistance and representation services. Our team of lawyers provides this assurance of success in civil law.

 The individual experience of each attorney in our team is a key element in providing robust and efficient legal services. This expertise is accumulated over years of practice in which numerous civil law contracts and disputes have been successfully addressed and resolved.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Commercial law is a set of legal rules of private law that are applicable to legal relations arising from legal acts, facts and operations considered by law as acts of commerce, as well as the legal relationships attended by persons who are traders.

 You will receive optimal legal support in terms of:
- Commercial Contracts: drafting/revising clauses: This subfield focuses on drafting, reviewing, and enforcement of contracts between businesses, ensuring clear terms, obligations and dispute resolution mechanisms.
- Disputes between partners: This area deals with the resolution of legal disputes between businesses, including litigation, arbitration and mediation, to reach fair and enforceable settlements.
- Mergers, Acquisitions (M&A), and Divestitures: This subfield governs the legal aspects of combining or separating companies, including due diligence, regulatory compliance and shareholder approvals.
- Risk and Compliance: This area focuses on identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with business activities, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
- Other Commercial Law Matters: This encompasses a broad range of legal issues that companies may encounter, such as intellectual property law, competition law, consumer protection law and labor law.

 Lawyers with expertise in commercial law provide our clients with ingenious and practical legal advice and solutions tailored to the specific needs and objectives of their business.

 We rely on a deep understanding of the specialist legal literature and relevant legal practice to ensure we provide the highest quality legal advice.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Consumer law is a branch of legislation that protects the rights and interests of natural or legal persons who purchase goods or services intended for personal or family consumption. It includes rules and regulations that ensure the transparency, fairness and safety of commercial transactions between consumers and traders.

 Whether you are looking for a product or service, you have the right to expect clear and complete information about what you are buying, protection from unfair commercial practices and effective solutions if you encounter problems or misunderstandings.

 Our consumer lawyers offer their support in protecting your rights. Whether you need help resolving a complaint, interpreting a contract or challenging an unfair commercial practice, here you will find the support you need to get the right legal solutions.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Corporate Law is a branch of law that deals with the rules and regulations governing the establishment, organisation and operation of companies. In essence, it is about the legislation that regulates how a business is formed and managed in our country.

 When it comes to setting up a business or managing an existing company, it is essential to understand and respect all relevant legal aspects. This is where the role of lawyers specialized in corporate law comes in, who will provide you with the necessary legal support at all stages in connection with the right structure for your business, so that you can be assured that your business is operating in accordance with all the legal requirements in force.

- Establishment, modification of company articles of association: It deals with the establishment of new companies (including unincorporated forms such as PFA, PE, FI) and modification of existing company structures to comply with legal requirements.
 We also mention the possibility of setting up a company abroad through lawyers with expertise in this field. In this context, you will have the necessary support in terms of relevant information regarding the national or local legislation in that jurisdiction, the types of companies that may be established, the formalities and costs at the Commercial Registry, the duration of the procedures, the taxes applicable to the incorporation of companies and for business in the foreign jurisdiction.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 The legal services include:
I. Preventive measures - detention, judicial control, judicial control on bail, house arrest, preventive arrest
II. Criminal prosecution - status of suspect, defendant, injured part, civil part, civilly liable part.
III. Preliminary chamber - verification of the jurisdiction and legality of the referral to the court, verification of the legality of the taking of evidence and of the carrying out of criminal proceedings.
IV. Judgement
- applications of the establishment of civil part status and administration of evidence;
- ordinary or extraordinary appeals against criminal judgements;
V. Enforcement of criminal judgements - applications for appeals against enforcement, requests for conditional release, requests for rehabilitation;
VI. Offences
- offences against the person: murder, manslaughter, assault and other violence, bodily harm, deprivation of liberty, threat, rape, sexual act with minor, trespass, invasion of privacy;
- property offences: theft, robbery, fraudulent management, fraud, insurance fraud, misappropriation, misappropriation of public tenders, destruction, disturbance of possession;
- corruption and service offences: bribery, traffic of influence, embezzlement, abuse of office;
- offences of forgery: material forgery of official documents, intellectual forgery, forgery of documents under private signature, the use of forgery, false statements;
- offences against traffic safety on public roads: putting into circulation or driving an unregistered vehicle, driving a vehicle without a driving license, driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substances, refusing or evading the taking of biological samples;
- tax evasion offences provided for and punished by Law no.241/2005 on preventing and combating tax evasion;
- and other offences regulated by special laws.

 Lawyers with expertise in criminal law provide you with the necessary legal support to find the optimal legal solution.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Enforcement of judgment is a procedure which, legally, can only start on the basis of an enforceable title. The purpose of enforcement is to recover debts from debtors who do not pay voluntarily, even if they are objectively unable to pay.

 Enforcement of judgment is carried out through bailiffs and the object of enforcement can be:
- obligations the object of which is the payment of a sum of money;
- handing over a good or the right to use it;
- dismantling of a construction, plantation or other work;

 To recover a debt, movable property, immovable property, income and other securities can be enforced. The monthly income pursued under the procedure is usually those obtained from the workplace.

 Lawyers with expertise in this area can provide you with the legal support you need in terms of:
- appeal against the enforcement or just some of the enforcement acts;
- suspension of enforcement;
- reversal of the execution and recovery of the sums already executed;
- communication between the creditor and the debtor during enforcement, including the possibility of negotiations on the staggering of a debt.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Family law is a branch of legislation that deals with the rules and regulations governing the relationships and responsibilities between members of a family. This includes subjects such us marriage, divorce, child custody, child support, adoption and protection against domestic violence.

 Whether you are in a situation of marriage or divorce or need legal assistance in establishing child custody or child support, it is important to understand your rights and options in family law. From negotiating and drafting prenuptial agreements, to representing you in court during a divorce trial or child custody dispute, a family lawyer can help you make informed decisions and protect your interests and your family's interests and well-being.

 Our team of family law lawyers is ready to support you in any aspect of legal relationships and issues related to your family. Regardless of your personal situation or the challenges you face in the area of family law, we are here for you to provide the support and assistance you need to get trough this difficult times.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Associations and foundations, private legal persons may be established in accordance with Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 on associations and foundations, amended and supplemented by Government Ordinance 37/2003 and approved by Law 245/2005.

 According to Article 4 of Ordinance 25/2000, the Association is the legal subject constituted by three or more persons who, based on a agreement, share and without the right of restitution their material contribution, their knowledge or their contribution in work for the realization of activities in the general interest, community or, as the case may be, in their personal non-patrimonial interest.
The association acquires legal personality by registration in the Register of Associations and Foundations at the registry of the court in whose territorial district has its headquarters.

 Lawyers with expertise in this field will provide you with the legal support you need to set up an NGO, to amend the articles of association, by finding optimal solutions.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Starting May 25, 2018 in Romania and the other Eu member countries, REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which will repeal Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016) represents a real reform in the field of protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, applying to all companies established in an EU member state or processing data of individuals located in the EU and which, through their work, is a personal data operator.

We inform you that invoking ignorance of the legal provisions doesn't remove your liability and the application of the sanctions provided by law.

 Lawyers with expertise in this area can provide you with the necessary legal support you need to ensure that you meet the GDPR requirements to prevent breaches of the mandatory provisions of the GDPR.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Lawyers with expertise in this area will provide you with the necessary legal support to understand the commercial framework in which insolvency law is applied, focusing on financial and business decisions that a natural person or company needs to make when faced with insolvency.

 In this context, we highlight the importance of the normative provisions of the preventive arrangement and of the ad hoc mandate, which can lead to positive consequences for the company in financial difficulties, even ending with its exit from crisis.

 In this area, you can use the expertise of a lawyer for the following aspects:
- Application for Opening Insolvency Procedure
- Application for Admission to the Creditors' Table
- Application for Reopening of Proceedings: for situations where the liquidator or administration

 We also need to consider the insolvency of the natural person which deals with the financial restructuring or liquidation of the assets of a natural person in order to satisfy creditors. This may involve procedures such as debt repayment plans or asset sales.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Insurance law governs contracts concluded between insurance companies (insurers) and natural or legal persons (insured). It ensures fairness by setting rules for policy terms, claims handling and dispute resolution. Understanding insurance law allows you to manage your insurance policy efficiently and protects your rights in case of misunderstandings with your insurer.

 What includes:
- Road Accident Compensation
- Work Accident Compensation
It is important to know that any commercial activity involves risks. Therefore, in the event of a mistake or an accident, it is important to know your rights in relation to your civil liability insurer.
Being an employee gives you rights in this area: you will be entitled to compensation if you have suffered an injury through the fault of your employer. Also, if you are self-employed, liability insurance protects you from risk within the limit of the insured amount.
Specialized insurance lawyers provide you with the necessary legal support to increase your chances of a positive result in the relationship with the liability insurer.
- Property Insurance Litigations
As a property owner, it is important to have the right insurance to protect your home or investment. However, in the event of an unexpected event, such as a fire, flood, storm or other calamity, it can be difficult to get the compensation you deserve from your insurance company. Lawyers specialized in this field will provide you with the necessary legal support.
- Green Card Assurance
- Malpraxis
Provisions of Art. 653 (1) letter b) of Law no. 95/2006 define malpractice as a professional error committed in the exercise of the medical or medical-pharmaceutical act, causing harm to the patient, involving the civil liability of medical personnel and of the supplier of medical, sanitary and pharmaceutical products and services.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Lawyers with expertise in this area provide you with the necessary legal support in various issues that interfere with intellectual property law: whether it is written works, musical compositions, trademarks or IT software, the most effective protection strategies will be identified and implemented.

 By registering trademarks, copyrights, patents or other specific legal instruments, we ensure that our costumers' inventions and creations are protected against unauthorized use and infringement by third parties. This protection gives our clients confidence that their creative efforts will be recognised and appreciated, and their investments will be properly valued.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Labour law is a branch of legislation that regulates the relationship between employers and employees. It includes all the laws, regulations and judicial decisions that govern the legal aspects of work and employment in our country.

 From employment contracts and employee rights to holidays, payroll and health and safety regulations, employment law covers a wide range of issues that are important to any employee or employer.

 Here's a breakdown of some key areas:
- Employee-Employer Disputes: It deals with resolving conflicts arising from work-related issues, such as unfair dismissal, discrimination, unpaid wages or unsafe working environments.
- Drafting/Reviewing Individual Employment Contract: Ensures that your individual employment contract clearly states the terms of employment, protects your rights and obligations and complies with labour law.
- Other Labour Law Matters: This covers a wide range of issues beyond contracts and disputes, such as parental leave, minimum wage regulations and employee benefits.

 Lawyers specialising in labour law will provide you with the legal support you need to guide you in all legal aspects of your employment relationship. Whether you have questions about your rights as an employee or your employer's obligations, you will receive clear answers and optimal solutions tailored to your needs.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Land law regulates the legal ownership, use and transfer of real estate. This covers issues such as buying and selling property, property rights and property limits, zoning regulations and the settlement of land disputes.
 Understanding land law is crucial to ensure safe land ownership and navigate any challenges that may arise.

 Important legislation in this area is:
- Law no. 18/1991 - the Land Law
- Law no. 213/1998 - on public property and its legal regime
- Law no. 1/2000 - on the reconstitution of ownership of agricultural and forestry lands
- Law no. 10/2001 - on the legal regime of abusively taken over properties
- Law no. 247/2005 – on the reform in the areas of property and justice
- Law no. 165 of 16.05.2013 – regarding the measures for the completion of the restitution process, in kind or by equivalent, of the buildings abusively taken over during the communist regime in Romania.

 Lawyers with expertise in Land Law can provide you with legal support in terms of:
- Total/partial absolute nullity of the title deed;
- Change of ownership title;
- The establishment of the property right in the land that constitutes the courtyard and garden of the house and household annexes, on the basis of art. 8 of the Decree Law no. 42/1990 and art. 23 of Law 18/1991;
- Obligation of the Local Commission of Land Fund to submit to the County Commission of Land Fund the necessary documentation for the issuance of the title of ownership;
- Obligation of the County Commission of Land Fund to issue the title of ownership;
- as well as other similar.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 The contravention process is a civil process and is judged according to the rules of the Civil Procedure Code. However, the field id supplemented by the provisions of the general part of the Criminal Code, from the point of view of the justifying causes exonerating from the misdemeanour liability.

 Lawyers with expertise in this field provide you with the necessary legal support regarding:
- complaint of contravention;
- cancellation of the verbal process of contravention as a result of the statute of limitations of the fine and its caducity;

 The contravention complaint filed in compliance with the time limit provided by the legislator has as a side effect the suspension of the execution of all contravention sanctions stipulated in the report.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Property law refers to the branch of legislation that governs the rights and transactions related to property, such as land and buildings. This branch of law covers various aspects, from the purchase and sale of properties, to their rental and management, as well as the rights and obligations associated with the possession and use of property.

 Whether you are a property owner, property investor, or tenant, it is important to understand your legal rights and responsibilities in connection with your property. From drafting and interpreting sales or rental contracts to resolving property-related disputes or property inheritance administration, property law covers a wide range of important aspects for those involved in property transactions.

 Property lawyers will guide you through all legal aspects related to your property. Regardless of the nature of the problem or your property goals, experienced lawyers will provide you with the legal support you need to make informed decisions and protect your property interests.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Also known as Exequator, the recognition of foreign judgements in Romania is a procedure that is carried out in accordance with the rules of the Civil Procedure Code. According to the legal provisions, foreign judgements mean: court decisions issued by competent courts of other countries, as well as notarial acts or acts of contentious or non-contentious jurisdiction of any competent authorities of a non-EU State.

 Despite the regulation of Article 1095 of the Code of Civil Procedure, which states that in Romania only foreign judgements on personal or civil status of citizens of the state where they were pronounced are recognised as of right, at present there are still institutions/public authorities that expressly request the follow-up of the exequatur procedure in order for a foreign judgement to produce legal effects on national territory.

 Lawyers with expertise in this area will provide you with the necessary legal support to find the optimal solution to your problem.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Sports Law governs the legal aspects of professional and amateur athletics.

 Here's a breakdown of some key areas:
- Sports Contracts: Deals with drafting, reviewing, and enforcing contracts between athletes and sports clubs, sponsors, or marketing entities, outlining rights, obligations, and compensation.
- Contractual Disputes: Addresses conflicts arising from sports contracts, such as breach of contract by a team or disagreements over sponsorship terms. This may involve negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.
- Other Sports Law Matters: This covers a wide range of issues beyond contracts, such as doping regulations, player transfers, intellectual property rights related to sports (e.g., trademarks of team logos), and anti-doping regulations.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
 Tax Law governs the rules and regulations on taxes and fees charged by the state. This covers issues such as the amount owed by natural and legal persons (taxpayers), the way in which taxes and duties are set and collected, and the rights of taxpayers. It includes income tax, property tax, value added tax (VAT) and other taxes and contributions.

 We point out in this area the following relevant issues where lawyers with expertise cand provide the necessary legal support:
- during tax inspections (VAT, corporate tax and transfer prices, mandatory social contributions, income tax, local taxes);
- requests for suspension of fiscal administrative acts;
- anti-fraud checks, documentary checks and other types of tax controls;
- in case of verification of the personal tax situation (control of income and wealth of individuals);
- restructuring of tax liabilities;
- tax appeals;
- appeals for enforcement in tax matters;
- promotion of substantive actions in all sub-fields of tax law, in all courts and in all legal remedies;
- legal support for referrals to the Court of Justice of the European Union and preliminary actions before the Court of Justice of the European Union;
- enforcement of judgements in tax matters, from the perspective of recovering damages;
- legal support for the preparation and submission of tax returns, including for income made from abroad;

 Lawyers with expertise provide extensive tax advice to both individuals and legal entities.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Transcription of Civil Status Acts is the legal process of registering a foreign birth, marriage, or death certificate in another country. This allows your civil status to be recognized for things like inheritance or family reunification.

We list:
- Transcription - birth registered abroad;
- Transcription - marriage concluded abroad;
- Transcription - death registered abroad;
- Re-acquisition/acquisition of citizenship - Transcription of birth certificate;
- Re-acquisition/acquisition of citizenship - Transcription of marriage certificate.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice
 Lawyers with expertise will provide you with necessary legal support regarding disputes and legal issues that are included in the field of Urban Planning Law.

 Specialized legal support in this area includes legal advice on:
- development of real estate projects (including for the preparation and submission of urban planning documents, obtaining permits, agreements and authorizations required by law or by public authorities or assessing the legality of projects already approved to determine the risks of cancellation);
- disputes seeking the consent of neighbours to obtain building permits;
- disputes relating to the demolition of buildings built without a building permit or with non-compliance with the building permit;
- disputes with the administrative authorities in the field of Urbanism and construction authorization (disputes relating to the granting of permits and authorizations; disputes relating to challenges to urban plans and documentation; disputes relating to the contestation of acts of authority issued in the field);
- in administrative offences (appeals against fines imposed by central and local public authorities in the field of construction).
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.
Legal advice