Criminal Law

The platform brings together lawyers with expertise from a wide range of legal areas, precisely to cover all the legal needs you face now or in the future. We work closely with you to understand your situation and find the right solution.

Criminal Law

 The legal services include:
I. Preventive measures - detention, judicial control, judicial control on bail, house arrest, preventive arrest
II. Criminal prosecution - status of suspect, defendant, injured part, civil part, civilly liable part.
III. Preliminary chamber - verification of the jurisdiction and legality of the referral to the court, verification of the legality of the taking of evidence and of the carrying out of criminal proceedings.
IV. Judgement
- applications of the establishment of civil part status and administration of evidence;
- ordinary or extraordinary appeals against criminal judgements;
V. Enforcement of criminal judgements - applications for appeals against enforcement, requests for conditional release, requests for rehabilitation;
VI. Offences
- offences against the person: murder, manslaughter, assault and other violence, bodily harm, deprivation of liberty, threat, rape, sexual act with minor, trespass, invasion of privacy;
- property offences: theft, robbery, fraudulent management, fraud, insurance fraud, misappropriation, misappropriation of public tenders, destruction, disturbance of possession;
- corruption and service offences: bribery, traffic of influence, embezzlement, abuse of office;
- offences of forgery: material forgery of official documents, intellectual forgery, forgery of documents under private signature, the use of forgery, false statements;
- offences against traffic safety on public roads: putting into circulation or driving an unregistered vehicle, driving a vehicle without a driving license, driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substances, refusing or evading the taking of biological samples;
- tax evasion offences provided for and punished by Law no.241/2005 on preventing and combating tax evasion;
- and other offences regulated by special laws.

 Lawyers with expertise in criminal law provide you with the necessary legal support to find the optimal legal solution.
What to expect during a session with a lawyer
  • Legal advice involves a dialogue with a lawyer with expertise regarding a problem you are facing. Following this session, you will get professional legal advice, which will indicate, where appropriate, the steps you can take to resolve the matter.
  • Legal consulting is an essential legal service based on the personalized analysis of your case, by reference to the applicable regulatory framework. As part of this legal action, it is necessary to present in detail the situation you are facing.
  • You can also present documents to review with the lawyer. You can attach a PDF document of maximum 10MB that will be sent to the lawyer before the scheduled meeting. Select only the essential documents so that they can be reviewed during the legal consultation session.
  • Legal advice does not guarantee a specific solution or outcome for your case, but focuses on a thorough analysis of the factual situation, carried out by the lawyer, by referring to the relevant legislation. Following this analysis, you will obtain a specialist legal opinion.
  • Legal consultancy does not include the drafting of documents or legal representation before a court, a public institution/authority, a natural person or a legal entity.
  • The lawyer comes to support you to find the suitable legal solution, with the possibility that, after the end of the consultation, you can collaborate further, depending on the measures that have been assessed as necessary to be adopted.

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